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Disordered Eating & Body Image

Body image is about how we see and judge our body and can be influenced by our family, peers, the media, and our personal beliefs. Eating concerns involve behaviours related to eating. For example, restricting how much food is eaten, getting rid of calories after eating, or eating large amounts of food in a short period of time.


Such behaviours might begin with:
A desire to lose a few pounds 
A way to have control in our lives
A way of dealing with issues we don't want or don't know how to face
A way to be more popular or accepted by our friends
Striving for perfection


Problems arise when we slip into disordered eating behaviours that no longer promote good health.  When eating patterns greatly interfere with our lives and put our physical health at risk, they may be diagnosed as clinical eating disorders.

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Body image and eating concerns are easier to overcome if they are recognized early. If you notice a friend or family member with eating concerns, you can let them know that you are concerned, keeping in mind that the goal of the discussion is NOT to provide a diagnosis but rather to listen and express concern for the person's overall health and well being. Try not to pass judgment. Instead, emphasize the importance of seeking help. This might include speaking with:

  • School Nurse

  • Head of House

  • Counselor 

  • Doctor

Peer Support

Community Support

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"We offer innovative and accessible programs and services that decrease isolation, instill hope, and sustain recovery for individuals on their road to recovery."

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"We help families across the province navigate the mental health system, connect with peer support, and access resources and tools to support wellbeing."

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"Foundry offers young people ages 12-24 health and wellness resources, services and supports – online and through integrated service centres in communities across BC."

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" Jessie’s Legacy provides education, resources, and inspiration to prevent eating disorders and address disordered eating."

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