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Low Mood and Depression


  • Loss of interest or pleasure in things that would previously have enjoyed

  • Loss of concentration

  • Loss of appetite

  • Trouble sleeping; fatigue

  • Isolating from others

  • Negative mood (looking at things in a negative light; feelings of hopelessness and helplessness)

  • Rumination (cycling thoughts)

  • Suicidal ideation
    *You need a certain number of these and they need to occur for a certain length of time to be defined as clinical depression; however, low mood can really impact you and so if you are feeling any of these symptoms reaching out to a helper is a good idea


Margaret Wehrenberg recommends the following in her book "The 10 Best-Ever Depression Management Techniques":

1 - Identify things that trigger you to fall into a low mood

  • Get support to figure out a way to respond to it differently (friend, counsellor, or family member)


2 - Start where you already are

  • Take time to recognize all the best parts of yourself and the things that are going right in your life

  • Write down or practice saying things you are grateful for


3 - Cool down burnout

  • Pare back on activities if you are doing too much

  • Take time to look at your commitments and say no to some if that's what's needed



8 - Broaden Your Perspective

  • Choose what a situation means to you and what you will do about

  • Find a different angle as to how to look at something

  • Learn to observe without judgement / Dispute negative beliefs

  • Allow yourself to feel feelings

  • Look at what helpful purpose your symptoms might be offering

  • Remember some things that come up have nothing to do with you

  • Learn optimism and expand your positive self talk


9 - Increase Flexibility

  • Notice and then interrupt your own bad mood

  • Know that there are good choices but no perfect choice

  • Try not to take yourself too seriously

  • Manage your feelings of disappointment by feeling them but also continuing to feel hope

  • Build positive pathways in your brain with positive affirmations and insert joy into your life whenever you can


10 - Learn to Live Fully

  • Know that happiness often precedes opportunity not the other way around

  • Breathe deeply, pay attention to your senses and live with awareness of yourself to keep yourself grounded in the current moment

  • Learn to savour experiences and practice gratitude.


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4 - Mobilize Your Energy

  • Break things down into small tasks

  • Take breaks

  • Leave a problem for awhile and then come back to it

  • Exercise

  • Do something something hands on.


5 - End Isolation 

  • Practice making connections with others

  • Manage your social media consumption

  • Join a group or club

  • Work on your social skills - you can get coaching on this!

  • Notice the positives in others


6 - Balance Your Life

  • Notice: your ability to make and follow through on goals, maintain your attention and focus, think and regulate your emotions

  • Try: going outside, break your routine, avoid spending all day doing one thing, remember and repeat doing joyful things, enhance your spirituality, define your values


7 - Prevent Destructive Behaviour

  • Make list of distractions

  • Call a friend or therapist or counsellor

  • Learn how to see a situation for what it is - not what it reminds you of

  • Journal

  • Remember feelings are just feelings

  • Practice compassion for yourself and others.



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