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Thrive is a student-led group dedicated to promoting the social emotional and mental health and well-being of the Collingwood Community. They organize a wide variety of events such as World Kindness Day, Bell Lets Talk, Pink Shirt (Anti-bullying) Day and Canadian Mental Health week, which includes awareness campaigns, and wellness-promoting activities. Check out @thrive_collingwood on instagram.

Student Leadership

Collingwood strives to nurture leaders who take initiative, create opportunities, reinforce change and generate enthusiasm for their vision. Student leaders inspire others and contribute to their community in invaluable and authentic ways. The following page contains clubs and groups that are student-led to support the health and wellness of the Collingwood Community. 

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The Collingwood mentorship program connects grade eight students with grade 11-12 mentors to help aid in the transition from elementary school to high school and provide a family feel at Morven. Friendships are formed and new students have the comfort of reaching out to another student with questions about how things work and how to find one's place at Morven.

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GSA - Gay Straight Alliance

Allies bring together LGBTQ+ and straight students to support each other, provide a safe place to socialize and create a platform to fight for gender, LGBTQ+, and economic justice. They meet weekly to discuss issues and create awareness campaigns and events at school.

The Buddy Program

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The EDI student leadership team is a dedicated group of students who work toward creating a more diverse, inclusive and equitable environment at Collingwood. We advocate for positive cultural and political change in our school through leading school wide programs and initiatives, and through speaking to parents, the board, on behalf of the student body.

EDI Committee 

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