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Gender and sexual based harassment are against the school Code of Conduct. To voice general concerns or report an individual case that requires follow up seek out your (or any) Head of House or use this Reporting Tool.

If Harassment Happens to You:

INSTINCTS: Trust your Instincts. Be aware of your surroundings. Stay cool, calm and collected.


SPEAK UP: Say something.Tell the person harassing you to stop what they’re doing, to move away from you, or tell them why they’re making you uncomfortable. Once you set boundaries, don’t get into a back and forth dialogue with the person, they will not be in a mindset where they’re willing to learn. Get to safety.


ASK FOR HELP: You can always ask someone around you for help. If there are people around but no one saw what happened, tell them exactly what the harasser said or did and what the harasser is wearing so the bystander can identify them. You can ask them to stay with you for a minute or to contact someone in a position of authority.


RECORD IT: If you feel safe, consider taking a picture or video of what’s happening - or ask a bystander to do it. Make sure you record the location and harasser clearly. Once you are safe, you can report it.


DISTRACT: Start a conversation with the target or find a way to pull the attention away from them


DELEGATE: Tell someone close by who is in an authority position


DELAY: After the incident is over check in with the person who was targeted.


DIRECT: Assess your safety and then if you feel comfortable address the behaviour. Be firm and clear.


DOCUMENT: Film or take notes of the incident. If online take screenshots or record the exchange. 

The 5 D's of Bystander Action When Seeing Harassment:

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Consent includes knowing and respecting a person’s own boundaries as well as the boundaries of others. Understanding consent means that a person has the skills to leave a situation that doesn’t feel comfortable, and respects when other people want to do the same.

How Consent Works:

Local Resources:

Video Resources:

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